I may have gone over board again!!!!????


7 Years
May 2, 2012
Cliff notes- I have 13 mallards, 10 bronze turkeys, 10 New Hampshire reds.
I built a 25'x12' run with a 4'x8 roost box. It's 4x4 poles with 4x4 running down the bottom with welded wire attached 6' high. I haven't figured out my roof yet. But is this big enough?
The run is inside a 1/4 acres 6' fenced area I can let them free graze but not 24/7. My mallards will be split up and 6 stay at my lake out at the house and 7 at the farm lake. Any one see any major flaws in my plan.

Full story- Me and buddy where sitting on the pier at the farm having a adult beverage when he had the bright idea of how cool it be to have a bunch of mallards swimming in the lake. I agreed and thought I could handle that. So few days later called my local coop and asked the question that got the answer that changed it all. " sure he said I also have chickens and turkeys so fourth and so on." well I thought awsome I'll take 24 mallards 10 turkeys and 4 chickens. So I came home and Told my wife that we where expanding the family. Well to make a longer story short 8 mallards came in 4 weeks ago then 5 mallards 2 weeks ago and I thought I couldn't get anything else when Thursday I got the call saying my turkeys and chickens where healthy and there but no more ducks. I went to get them when I realized he thought I said 10 turkeys and 10 chickens. . So that leaves me with 33 birds. I plan on using the turkeys as meat birds and my hen chickens as egg layers and may keep one rooster. The rest as meat birds. Im really excited. Maybe more excited to get the 2 dog pens and 120 gal water trough out of my office with the 5 heat lamps that keep the whole office a steady 90 degrees.
Yeah, I have a thought...and it was this, don't worry so about how many extra chickens and turkeys you got, I'm sure you'll loose a few to predators. Put the ducks in the lakes and get some geese to protect them.
I'm going to show this post to my husband. Maybe it will help him get over my attack of chicken math.... At least I didn't come home with ducks and turkeys! LOL well, not this year anyways... Have fun... and ya might want to get some canned air to blow the chicken dust out of your computer before it crashes. Just sayn' Enjoy!
Here is some of my photos Of them inside and my coop construction. I almost finished it today but the rain got me.






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