I need some help! E coli scare!

Talk to the health department, and especially to your state veterinary school or poultry science expert, or someone at another state veterinary poultry expert if there's nobody in your state. And find out exactly what was in that well water!
It's not possible to give advice without more information, and that's why you need to talk to experts on water quality issues and thses birds.
They sound perfectly ok to me, it’s especially important that they are so excited about food. I would keep them, just make sure you have them isolated when you first get them. Even if it means not letting them free range very much. Try and keep possible infection contained. Clean out the area they live in and completely strip all bedding. Rake the outside area and wash it all with a high pressure hose. Wait 30 days to last out the infection. Since the chickens are easy to observe when kept in one spot, you can watch for anything unusual. After the time is up, give the enclosure one more quick wash, get new bedding, sprinkle some mite dust and if the chickens are ok you can put them back. If they aren’t showing any symptoms of sickness, and are still laying normally than I think it would be safe to assume that any new birds will have no troubles.
That all sounds very reasonable to me as well Jessie. I will do both just to be safe. I would love to inherit these hens and take good care of them. I am absolutely excited about having my own flock of girls I can enjoy. Thank you for being so helpful!

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