I'm still having problem with BYC site

Mary Ann, that shouldn't matter, seeing that I have a dash in my name and I can use the tool just fine.

Also, the personal pages use your user ID number and not your name.

It may be your computer or browser. Try a different computer using Internet Explorer 6 or 7.

This problem started while in chat over two weeks ago - while the other problems were going on. I suddenly realized that I was the only one talking.

From then on, whenever I attempt to go into chat I can access the window but no names are displayed and if I type in a comment it doesn't go onto the screen. In the lower corner, the Internet Explorer icon is replaced by the !Error icon. When I click on the error icon it states that there is a
problem with the website and it might not display correctly.

I use Internet Explorer 6.

Last week, I tried using a different computer to see if it was mine - the same results and the same error icon appears. I'm not sure - that computer might have IE7.

Since both computers use the same server, to see if it was the satellite connection causing the problem, I registered with a different user name to see if I still had a problem accessing chat and it worked fine.

The problem has to be with my present registration.

I was just wondering if removing the underline in my name
ole_crone might help matters. Obviously something have become corrupt. Should I just eliminate this user name and use the new one that works?

The frustration with that is now all of a sudden the avatar that worked for my current name is now "too large". I have worked and worked and worked with it using photoshop and can't get it accepted.

Thanks for listening.
Mary Ann, I wish everyone detailed their problems with chat or the forum as well as you just did.

For chat: Since it followes you from computer to computer I'd like to login as you. Either email me your passoword or let me change yours so I can get on as you.

For avatar: Nothing has changed. Check the file properties. Is it over 10kb? If not, email me the image and I'll resize it. nifty @ backyardchickens.com (remove spaces)
Upgraded to IE7 long ago and it caused so many problems that I removed it and went back to IE6. This is the only thing that I've had any problems with using 6. And by the looks of it, Nifty fixed it.

Obviously some have been happy with IE7 since you suggested it, but even Dh with his Vista-ran computer had problems.

Thanks Nifty!

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