Incubator got shaken.


In the Brooder
Mar 30, 2023
My husband moved the piece of furniture that our incubator is laying on without remembering that we had it on there (yeah, I don't know how you forget something like that either. :(🤦‍♀️). It must've jostled the incubator and the eggs inside it. We are in lockdown day 18 and the eggs visibly have moved/rolled to a different position, but nothing more than 1/2-1inch or so. Am I overreacting? Is this a make or break moment? I'd be so devastated if this one ridiculous mistake threw away the last several weeks of careful watching. I'm feeling so upset. First time incubator here.
I feel your eggs should be okay. I have 4 small children that constantly like to (look) in the incubator when the eggs are on lockdown. They totally bump and move it around and we have had good hatch rate.

Now if the incubator was dropped or if it was accidentally turned off (my kids have done that). I would say it would be a make or break moment. My second oldest was helping me move the eggs for lockdown. Well the puppy tripped her and she dropped it.... she cracked over balf of the shell. We are very lucky and that baby did hatch!
I’m sure they will be fine, try not to worry. When chicks start hatching eggs get knocked all over the place! It can get rough during hatch!
Good luck with your eggs :fl:jumpy
Thank you for this - so reassuring! I guess all the "instructions" on incubating eggs have gotten to my head. I've read about a million different ways I'm likely to mess up. It's like being a first time parent again! 😅

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