Is it ok thta I don't see my day olds drinking?


12 Years
Feb 5, 2007
I have tipped their beaks in the water at least three times today. I have not seen them drink once! Is this normal or should I be worried???? Otherwise they seem fine, and are adorable!!!!
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How long do you watch them for at a time? Are they pooping? If their pooping then chances are that they are drinking when your not watching. Try to watch them for a little longer and you may catch them. At a day old, they should start drinking soon.
Baby chicks don't need anything at all to sustain them for up to three days. The yolk sac that was just absorbed prior to hatching is all they need. They usually don't get interested in the drinker till the second or the third day. Mine have not been very interested in food either. They like to peck at toes tho.
Thanks so much. They are pooping, pecking, and as of this morning I saw them drinking! I am just so afraid that I'm going to do something to harm them. They are so cute and I can't wait until I feel as though I am passed having to be afraid that they are going to perish at any point.
Kari, we all know how you feel. It does get easier. They are amazing little creatures and their instincts are amazing. when they are around 3-4 weeks old let them have about 10-15 minutes of play time outside. What a joy to watch. Enjoy your babies they are very special

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