is she a good quality mille fleur d'uccle hen


8 Years
Aug 14, 2011
Danville PA
i hatched this hen with many others last fall and she is the only one i keeps. i just know see how nice she looks. i was keeping her cause of how nice and easy to handle she is. i want to get some show quality birds and i order some from A&J farm hope to get some nice quality. i'm just learning about show quality and showing and i was just hope to get some help. i know she isn't perfect or anything but i hope she is at least average. also anyone know of any good books one showing and getting show quality birds.

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You might want to put what breed she is in the title. That way people who are knowledgeable about the breed can more easily see that you are looking for a critique. I think she's beautiful, but I don't know enough about breed standards (any of them) to even guess at how she would do in a show.
from what I can see, her comb is small, which is desirable, her feathers are pretty uniform with not too much white or black, her foot feathers are really nice, and she seems to carry herself well.
is it me, or is her top beak slight long? to me she seems to be a nice hen, does she has vulture hook feathers on the legs? if i remember correctly they must of that.

what i mean by vulture hook feather i mean stiff feathering on the legs, not the fluffy feather legs like Cochin feather legs
thanks for the complemants her beak is long and needs clipped but i was wanting to make shore i do it right i was reading up on it any one have any advice or know how to clip the beak?
None of the photos show her type well. Pictures of a bird in hand are useless for evaluation purposes. Try to get a picture of her standing naturally on a flat surface. On the ground is best. You don't say how old she is in these pictures. As is her color isn't well distributed but is she's young this may improve. her tail featheres, both main & covert feathers should all be tipped with white. Her beard doesn't appear as full as it should be but it also looks like it may be wet.
As to clipping her beak It's as complex as you clipping your finger nails. I use a small pair of wire cutters.
she is 9 months old and she does have some white on her tips of her tail feathers. i will have to get better pics. she she does have vulture hooked feathers on her legs miss hen. with what you are saying nyreds i guessing she isn't show quality? i have show mini horses in the show ring and i know what to look for in a good show quality horse. but with a chicken i am still learning and i would like to get a few show quality birds before i start to go to shows and if she isn't good quality she will just be a pet. i will clip her beak and get some better pics and add to the threads thats everyone for helping me.

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