Isolating a chicken


May 13, 2024
We are new chicken owners and have one hen that is not allowing the other 5 on the roosting bar at night. It was suggested that we may need to isolate her if it doesn't stop. How do we isolate her exactly. Thanks
Just put her in a small dog crate at night. However, this can be a sign that you have space issues. Can you take some measurements and pictures of your coop?

Some birds can take a little crowding, and some can't tolerate it at all.

I see you have just joined us, welcome. I also note that you seem to have 6 birds, I am wondering if you have one of those darling pre-fab house that claim they will hold 6 birds? If so, space can be a huge problem. And the crate will just be a temporary fix.

Mrs K
Mrs. K thank you for your reply. Our coop is a 6' x 5' composite shed with a 6' roosting bar. We definitely wanted enough room for our girls. We just got them 4 days ago. They are wonderful Cinnamon Queen 18 week old pullets. We're hoping that this behavior subsides over the next few days. She is fine when we go down each evening at dusk and put the remaining 5 hens on the roosting bar with her. We have cameras in both the coop and the run, so we are seeing the behavior HD. We have a dog crate, if we have to isolate, do we put the crate in the coop? I am assuming yes.

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