Just called my local feed store!


12 Years
Apr 23, 2007
Graham, WA
They have a fantastic selection of baby chicks! I can't remember all she said, but she listed off Barred Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, Ostrolorps and about 5 other kinds! Sexed! I am so excited! Looks like I won't have to order through the mail to get what I want-- I for sure wanted Barred Rocks... those are the chickens I remember my grandmother used to keep.

I know what I'll be doing this weekend!
First, I must correct my spelling Austrolorps... sorry!

I was originally thinking 4, but now I'm leaning toward 6... there are 2 adults & two children in my family, but one of my sons is a toddler, so 6 should be plenty to keep us in eggs, correct? Or will we be overrun with eggs?

I would like 2 each of 3 different kinds.
Good for you! We've got some plymoth barred rock pullets. I can't wait till they get their beautiful black and white feathers in!
If you're like the rest of us, you'll buy 4, go back for 2 more, then go back for 4 more and so on. It's so addicting!
Have fun with your new babies! Keep us posted on how they are and post pictures if you can so we can all see how cute they are.

This is the best place for anyone raising chickens. There are so many awsome peeps on here with loads of knowledge.
Happy chick shopping!
Hee. I told my DH that he needs to plan on a 4' x 8' coop instead of the 4' x 4' on he had planned. Have to leave some room for next spring!
Hee hee! Hi Cat!

(Cat directed me over here-- we're best buds! She has new "mystery babies" coming soon-- the survivors of a grade school hatching! She's hoping they're not "broilers"
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