Larger flock, cold winters


May 23, 2021
Wasilla, Alaska
So I have 15 chickens, 14 hens and one rooster, but three of them are not cold hardy breeds and the others are between 4-9 months other then my five 1-4 year olds. My coop is rather small and I don’t want to lock them up all winter again, I have a barn that they like to hide in when it’s cold but it’s a few yards away from the coop, what kind of tunnel can I make that will hold with harsh winds and snow? Is there a way I can heat the tunnel without heating it too much and a way I can heat the barn even though it’s big enough for four or more horses and not at all insulated? It has all four walls and doors that can open from the top and bottom but the walls are very thin and there are gaps big enough for them to get under the doors, they will be sharing space with a rabbit or two as well. Ideas?

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