Lead Rooster ousted from flock


Apr 4, 2020
I have read the ousted rooster thread from last October but it didn't exactly answer the question I have, although very similar. I have 3 roosters and enough hens to go around. For 3 years or so, they have gotten along fine and had their own little harems that they watched over. All of a sudden two days ago, I noticed the dominant rooster oddly walking around by himself. He didn't even go into the coop to roost at night. He hid himself up in a tree and did the same last night. Ultimately I put him back in the coop so he could be safe but the behavior of the other roosters toward him has me leaning toward putting up and entirely new coop/run for him and his set of hens.

Has anyone had this happen before? Any ideas on if this is just a temporary thing and they can be reintegrated after a short separation? I have had to reintegrate hens after quarantining before and just made sure to be watchful for the pecking order situations that arise out of that but they were so quickly resolved. I just want my happy well-adjusted flock back.
I agree, it is possible he will eventually be able to rejoin the flock but it will not be as it was before. He has been deposed, the hens may no longer accept him.

I just want my happy well-adjusted flock back.
My granddaughter went through a graduation ceremony last night. Next year she will be going to a new school, a high school, and will need to make new friends. Sometimes life moves on.

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