Legacy Chickens Thread

Oct 30, 2022
The Swamp
Hello, everyone! I wanted to start this thread to share pictures and stories about my newest flock. I am going to make this as short as I can and not a time-consuming essay of background information, which is hard for me to do when explaining something, but let us jump right in:

I have three different flocks of chickens. One of the flocks, the Gemstone Flock, contains my favorite member of the flock, a Rhode Island Red Bantam named Ruby. She is the sweetest I have ever had and she loves humans to the point that she acts like she would rather be with humans than chickens. I take her out of her pen every day when the weather is good and let her forage around in the yard under my supervision, and when she forages her way to nearby the entrance of the house, I open up the door and ask Ruby if she wants to come inside. She usually immediately stops what she is doing to run inside and peck around. I also have a harness, diaper and a leash I put on Ruby to take her to other places, and she loves riding around.

I began thinking about something. When I love Ruby so much, would I really want her to pass away without me having any of her offspring to carry on her legacy? That led me to a decision. I incubated some of Ruby's eggs, along with a Silver-Laced Sebright hen named Quartz who is also in the Gemstone Flock. Six Quartz chicks hatched out and four Ruby chicks.

Now, I want you to answer a question: have you ever done something similar? Do you have a beloved flock member that you incubated the eggs of so you could carry down their legacy? If you have not yet and are only planning to incubate eggs, that counts too! I overall just want to see if anyone else has their own legacy flock. I am happy to see your stories!

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