Liquid poop!


Nov 25, 2022
DFW Texas
I have been observing my hens for a couple days because I started seeing piles of very watery dark brown poop. No blood that I can see. I had a feeling which hen it was because she has a couple small streaks of urates on her feathers, but I was sure because she seemed shy and wouldn’t poop around me. I finally caught her today and it IS her. My BO 23week old. She hadn’t started laying yet, unless the brown with white specks egg I got yesterday was hers, however it could have been the first egg from my RIR I’m not sure yet. She is not acting different from normal aside from the fact that she is clearly ready to lay. Vent is very open pink and moist. She will run up to me and squat for pets instead of only squatting if approached like my other hens. I just don’t know if I should be worried or just chalk this up to her body trying to figure out what it’s doing.

Also I am currently feeding Nutrena all flock with grit and oyster on the side. They get my left of bits of veggies from cooking meals 1-2x a week. Always 2 hours before bed and never enough to affect their diet.
Update to say I am heading to TSC for chicken and duck supplies. Planning to get nutridrench, a wormer, new layer feed. Will take any recommendations. TSC is over 30 mins away so I don’t go often.

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