Location of feeder/waterer once they go outside?


In the Brooder
Apr 4, 2023
We are soon going to be able to put the teenagers outside. Once they are spending their days out and nights in, do we keep the feeders outside, inside, or both? We live in the country and have skunks, raccoons, possums, armadillos, porcupines, etc. that come into our property...
It depends on your setup.
I keep mine in my predator proof, solid roofed, secure run at all times. The flock leaves the roost at dawn and goes out to the run, eats and drinks then perches on branches/stumps in the run and preen while they wait for me to let them out.
We only have food and water in the run. We do have an automatic pop door, so they can get into the run. But, at night, I remove water in the winter and food is removed year round ( we have bears). My work day starts at 6 am, so I usually have food/water back in the run early.
I keep my first flocks food and water in the run.
My baby flock right now has it hanging in their coop, but it will be moving to the run as well in a few wks.

I use 5 gallon buckets with the no mess attachments you can buy on Amazon (pvc stuff) and haven't had any pest or preditors
I keep both water and food in the run. It is roofed, has hardware cloth on the sides, and has a 3 foot wide hardware cloth skirt to keep predators out.

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