Looking for breed suggestions


13 Years
May 10, 2011
We are about to start on our coop, this year we will just start with 3 chicks, and will add to it over time to a max of 6. We are just outside Seattle in the woods, tons of predators (the coop and run will be like Fort Knox!). We would like some egg production, but it is just the two of us so eggs are not a main motivator. Mostly I'd like some ladies who are good lookin' and lay different colored eggs occasionally, and are as friendly as is possible (understanding they are all different- my last small flock had all different breeds and I hand raised them so they were all pretty tame).Also, we will not eat them or give them to those who will, so longevity is a huge plus,
What breeds would you suggest?
Where do you suggest we buy them?
Any info very much welcomed!! :frow TYIA!

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