Looking for female Mute Swan


Mar 12, 2019
3 weeks ago, our female Mute died without warning. We are all heartbroken. We love our Swans. Her mate, River, is terrible lonely. We live in S. Michigan, have a large pond and we winter our Swans in a horse barn, for protection.
We want to be able to drive to pick up a Swan so the Swan will not be so stressed. I will not fly a Swan to me. Please help us, if you can.
Thank you!


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Did you ever have luck in finding a mate for your Male?
I live in Indiana and unfortunately lost our female so my search for a mate for our male has begun...

3 weeks ago, our female Mute died without warning. We are all heartbroken. We love our Swans. Her mate, River, is terrible lonely. We live in S. Michigan, have a large pond and we winter our Swans in a horse barn, for protection.
We want to be able to drive to pick up a Swan so the Swan will not be so stressed. I will not fly a Swan to me. Please help us, if you can.
Thank you!
Did either of you find females for your males? I'm so sorry you lost your girls. I know the pain. Lost Gracie, my female Black Aussie. Gunther is now by himself until I can find a female or a home for him that has a female. Found someone local that sells them but he says he keeps all his pens (female swans). Would just like my Gunther to have a companion. Have been told he'd not accept another male. He talks to the peacocks but they ignore him, LOL!!!

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