Managing Bullying Via Nutrition


In the Brooder
Jun 4, 2022
Pulaski, WI
Hi friends!

My crossbeak rose to the top of the pecking order over the summer, but has recently become sort of a b-word. I pulled a bloody hen from the run yesterday (she's fine!) and watched the CB bully another more docile bird around the feeder when I returned the injured bird at sun down.

A friend of mine suggested feeding the birds increased protein and fat in the winter. She said her flock would bully once the days got shorter. Her theory was that less sunlight meant less time to eat and less bugs (protein) to consume. Feeding more proteins and fats would help them feel less hungry and create less of a need to compete for food. Specifically, she recommended salt-free margarine added to whatever I give them as treats, and possibly a fatty protein like ground beef.

It makes sense, but wondering if anyone else has heard of this or employed nutritional strategies to help with problem behavior.

Thanks :)
Edit - The CB gets PLENTY to eat. Her crop is always full at bed time and she is perfectly healthy. She is not starving.
... Specifically, she recommended salt-free margarine...
Jaw drop. No, not margarine. Even if there is something to the rest of it.

When they stopped having bugs to chase, they had more time and attention to pay to each other. Also, without the other sources of food and the shorter time available to eat, the feeder gains more importance.

I second getting another feeder, out of sight of the other feeders. More space and more clutter usually helps too.

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