My chick cage


Mar 6, 2024
Northeastern NC
My house was built in 1955
Are mice a threat to my chicks?.
My house is 107 years old. Mice don't care, and if you leave food for them they'll find a way in. If you're concerned you might have rats then that's another story and yes they would be a danger. I'd set traps, seal up any holes/cracks, and if you're still worried you can wrap that cage with hardware cloth.
hardware cloth is $3 a foot so its out of the question
since its bill time

took some 2x4 set sideways under the cage
and raised it 4 inches off the table
will set up mouse traps as needed
Mice and Rats will chew baby chicks feet off. They can't yet defend themselves. I have or had rat trouble in my coop before. We finally got rid of them. They burrowed under my coop and chewed through the flooring. Just be aware it can happen when they are small and can't defend themselves against a bite. I now have my chick's in a cage exactly like yours inside the house. Just keep a close eye out for the mice and if you hear a commotion check it out right away. Hope this helps.

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