My little flock, Chickens, ducks and dogs lol


Mar 1, 2023
We started out with 6 hens, silver lace, golden comet and Barred Plymouth Rocks, named silver, lacey, cinnamon, ginger, boss lady and Rochelle. Then my husband wanted 2 ducks but so we got 2 induan runners, named Queenie and Chief and was told 2 Cornish hens but it was1 Cornish named butterball and 1 rhode Island red chicken little. We had to find a good home for Butterball because she was being bullied by the big hens, really bullied. Now she's hugh, healthy, happy and doing great at my in laws. Chicken Little being raised with ducks started acting more like them. He gets in mud puddles, loves the rain and use to only hang out with them. But as he got bigger, he kept trying to mate with Queenie and his spurs hurt her so we separated them. It was sad at first. They would lay up against the fence with one another. Then we made a mistake and let the hens hatch a few eggs. We didn't realize Boss lady was laying eggs in the nest with Rochelle. By the time we realized it, 15 were hatching and she had 10 left that we had to incubate in homemade incubator. All 10 survived. We ended up with way to many. Then Queenie hatched 6 eggs and 4 survived. They all have names but to many to write lol. We tried to use a real incubator hatch 7 duck eggs but only 1 made it. I found out temperature gauge was incorrect so we thought it was 99.5, it was actually 89.5, we had to help her hatch after 2 days of no progress and she was malpositioned and shrink wrapped. She couldn't stand, her wing was stuck to her due to dried shell, blood and yolk holding it down, had dried blood etc several areas. We would stand her up and hold her up but she couldn't hold her head up. We bathe her with dawn, Next day we started dropping water in her mouth. Day 3 she was up running. We had to go buy 2 ducklings so she wasn't alone. We named her Hope if girl, king hope if male. The other 2 are Theodore and Eleanor. 3 dogs that love the babies. Cass, Meg and Ruby. Cass and Meg are bullies and. Ruby mixed shepherd, lab. When the ducks see Cass they quack and run to him. The chickens do to except chicken little, he tried to attack Cass. But they are in a fence so they can't get hurt. Every couple months, we add more to the fence, today, it's the size of a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom size apartment lol.


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