Need brooder advice QUICK


8 Years
Dec 20, 2015
North Hollywood, CA
Hi, chicks hatched Feb 7, were a bit delayed coming from Murray McMurray, didn't get to us until Feb 9 early evening. 5 didn't look so strong (out of 27) from the start. I gave sugar water with quick chick, grogel. Those 5 have since expired. I'm going to be call MM tomorrow for a credit.

My question is this. Our temp lows right now are in the 60s. I have a Brinsea plate brooder, but also a heat lamp up high keeping the ambient temp at about 90. All the healthy chicks have gone under the brooder for the night and come out to eat and drink. Is it too much having both heating devices? Thing is, I want to wean off the heat lamp ASAP, I was just trying to save those weak chicks. Thank g-d I think we are done losing chicks. Those little gals were weak looking from the start. It's sad.

Even when I go to just the plate brooder I will keep the normal room light on so they can find their way around.

TY, I'm just feeling kinda demoralized. Last time none died. I feel like I have to do something, but maybe there is nothing to do.
Ya it is well sealed with a liner. Do you think it is ok to leave both? The heat lamp is high, not making it 95, just taking edge off. I feel like at some poi t i have to stop messing with them. Ty for answering btw.
Here you go! we made it temporarily smaller bc I was afraid they'd wander too far.
OK I'm gonna leave the heat lamp off today. Weather forecast is 89F. PS the blue one hunched over by the water and another one under him you can hardly see, those 2 died. They wouldn't eat, only drink if I made them. And there's about 5 under the plate in this pic.

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