NEW BYC Program & Partnership - Sell Your Extra Eggs! April Fools 2011

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You mean you want me to go back a few pages to one of your posts and quote it back to you, maybe even all your posts?

OK, I guess I need to fess up here....

Thank Goodness, there really isn't any Jess K, a single mother of 5 children, living in a single wide trailer with her kids, Jess' mom and granny, just trying to get by...trying to make a little extra money, spending $200 on 20 new hens she can't afford, with Jess' son Willoughby trading his old truck for a new shed for his mama so she can raise those extra 20 hens because Jess read on BYC that there was a new program that would buy her excess eggs for the princely sum of $2.97 per dozen.

They might not admit it, but JESS FOOLED THE MODERATORS because they added a IMPORTANT NOTE to the original post announcing t he BYC egg program after poor little Jess bought those extra hens:

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do NOT go out and buy more chicks, trade your dog for more chickens, buy a new plot of land, mortgage your house, borrow money from the guy on the corner, etc. until you are APPROVED for this program!

So, the smarty-pants moderators were pranked themselves--they did not ADD my "embedded joke"--they were fooled by a poor single mom of 5 , living in a trailer with her mom and granny.....

and it was sweet!

LMBFAO!!! Too funny.
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No. please explain....

I'm figuring you for a mod, dear........


You giving the mods WAY too much credit........

We would love to participate in this program!
We currently have 8 hens that lay and are getting 2 baby chicks next week.
The 8 adults are as follows:
2 Barred Rocks
2 Australorps
2 RIR's
2 white Cochins

All of our hens have names and wonderful personalities. They live in a very large coop on our 65 beautiful acres of upstate NY country land.

Our hens lay 35-50 eggs a week, depending on the weather.

Thank you for your consideration!
I'm figuring you for a mod, dear........


You giving the mods WAY too much credit........


Would have loved to been able to see the PM's between mods flying back and forth when 'Jess' appeared. There must have been a moment of mod panic!

Now, I have to wonder if Jess might be Nifty in disguise trying to pull one over on the mods...hmmm...

Is there a prize for guessing who Jess really is? LOL
We currently have 8 hens that are laying approx 48 eggs/wk..we have 9 more pullets that should start laying in August. We would like to participate in this program
I had to come back to this thread after I began to wonder what the April fools joke is this year....
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Doncha think there might have been an actual application form to download, if this was real, rather than having someone or several someones mine the thread for candidates? She said, in retrospect, having been caught in the joke herself.
Looks like it. Perhaps a mod should edit the first posting at the end to say ... it's just a joke!

Of course, BYC loves new members ...

... but I almost got sucked in too. Only just got on the computer for the day so I missed most of it. By the time I got on, there were 38 pages. And yes, I read the pages instead of skipping immediately to post a reply, so I knew it was a joke.

Anyway, just a suggestion.
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