New to Button Quail - help me make sure im caring for them well? (wall of text)

some gamebird/showbird crumbles i found at the local farm supply store. i couldnt tell you what brand though, since i transferred the contents of the original bag to a different container
i moved the pair to a larger cage i constructed out of a flat bin, hardware cloth, window screen (as a soft top), and that magical thing called duct tape. no sticky parts exposed, of course. theyre now on a substrate of sand with a big pile of timothy hay and a full spectrum bulb for light. a nest-type construction was quickly made in their grass hut, and i've noticed some different behavior.
The male had started feeding my female again, until my bf came back from a couple days trip. they seem to be a lot more afraid of him than me, even though he spends about the same amount of time around them as i do. if anything, he spends more time around them being less scary, as im the one who reaches in to stop clean, refill their food/water, and catch them if needed. though, i am also the one who feeds them their crickets.
They seem to like to spend most of their time standing on the exposed sand under the lighted half of the cage. they often peck at the sand in what looks like a mixture of collecting grains to use as grit and foraging. ive even seen the male digging little holes. im guessing he's just looking for tastier treats?
Within a matter of days, the cage accumulated a ton of white feathers strewn about. i think they mostly came from my female, as she is white, but i do think i see white down underneath my blue-faced male's top feathers. none of them are going bald, and all types of feathers - from down to flight feathers - are showing up. could this be a sign that the male is mating with the female? perhaps it's their normal amount of shed, but i just see more of it on sand than on paper crumble bedding? the latter certainly applies for poop.

i also notice both standing on one leg, like flamingoes, more often. could than mean anything?

and another random thing: whenever i watch them, every few seconds they will ruffle their feathers in a way that reminds me of a yawn. they will go from completely smooth feathers, to puffing out, ending with a big ol' ruffle, and back down to normal feathers. is this a sign of stress? excitement? just stretching all the time? im not too familiar with the mannerisms of birds.

Thanks, and everyone have a good day!

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