New to byc...


5 Years
May 29, 2014
I have just finished my coop,, well still have few things to do.(.will send pics soon.) I have been reading on byc for 3 months and taking ideas for coops. Was still working on this weekend, and sister called, a friend of hers had 5 hens that she needed home for, because she has had them since days old, and husband wouldn't build coop. well i took them. 1 is a silkie (white), 1 buff orpington i think, 2 white hens and 1 large hen white, red comb and makes 3 of the others. so i will post pic soon and maybe i could get pointers for finishing run and inside of coop. hens are in coop now with pine shavings on floor. also have roost in.
Congratulations! Welcome to BYC! So glad you joined us!!
Welcome to BYC! Sounds like you have a nice flock. I keep a few Buff Orpingtons in my flock because they are so beautiful, calm, and gentle. If you will post pictures of your three white hens, we can help you ID the breeds. Good luck with your flock.

If you haven't finished the run yet, you should definitely think about making it bigger than you planned (if you have the room). Chickens need a lot of space and I wish I would have realized that when we built our run. Plus the chickens scratch up every blade of grass and it becomes a big muddy mess without the grass growth. I now have it set up where our run can be divided if needed so that the chickens can use part of it while I grow some new grass on the other part. If you are able to do this, I highly recommend it! Do you plan on free ranging them?
i am planning on bigger run. right now chickens doesn't want to go out. they are cooler in coop i guess.

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