(not quite) red with white breast bantam? pic added


13 Years
Dec 2, 2007
Williston, FL
Are there any bantam breeds that are dark red with a white breast? I have a couple birds form my bantam assortment from Ideal that are feathering out like this. If I can find my darn camera cord I'll post a pic!

So I found the camera cord! By the way, when I said "red" I guess I actually meant "brown and red and black"? Funny how you remember things differently than they are!



Any new guesses with the real description and pics?
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How about millie fleur old english game bantams?

They are colored similiar to some Speckled Sussex I had, so I think they will end up colored like that, but looks like an OEGB.

Red pyle are usually cream colored as chicks, with reddish coloring near the face, if I remember correctly.
It could be several breeds that are patterned like the SS, but that white chest will definitely disappear soon. Cute little thing! Oops, I just noticed that it has yellow legs! So, not a Speckled Sussex, but a similar feather pattern.
Thanks guys for all the guesses! I think quite a few of my birdies from the bantam assortment are some form of OEGB.

This one in particular has some sort of neurological problems. Her head cocks to the side most of the time, and when she gets excited, can only run in circles. She gets around very well, however, and quickly became the favorite around here. The other birds don't even seem to pick on her, even though she is a little smaller than most of them, not to mention a little "off."

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