Paired Muscovy, Can you Separate?


11 Years
Jun 26, 2012
Buckley, Wa
Hey all,
So here is the deal. I bought Lacey a now two year old blk/white pied female. She has always been shy, keeping away from the group. Last summer I got a little chocolate female. Being young she stayed away from the group and soon her and Lacey where hanging out. Well turns out that little girl was a boy. I called him Christmas Dinner. That was the plan I never eaten Muscovy and read it was tasty. But why, why, WHY ARE MUSCOVIES SO DARN CUTE!! Even though both birds are stand offish to me they love each other. They are so sweet together. I cant eat him now! Christmas Dinner is now just Chris.

I like to rehome Chris. I want to concentrate on the black and black and blk/white. Im just worried about Lacey. Would she get over it if I got rid of him? As of now she wants nothing to do with Flat Foot, my head drake. (trust me he has tried) I also have 9 week old brother and sister that are almost ready to join the flock. I thought maybe she will bond with them, like she did with Chris. Or is it best to just sell Chris and Lacey as a pair? Im fine with that too. Right now she is on eggs so Im thinking if Im just rehoming Chris, now would be the time.

Here his is sitting on the nest box with Lacey inside.

Hey all,
So here is the deal. I bought Lacey a now two year old blk/white pied female. She has always been shy, keeping away from the group. Last summer I got a little chocolate female. Being young she stayed away from the group and soon her and Lacey where hanging out. Well turns out that little girl was a boy. I called him Christmas Dinner. That was the plan I never eaten Muscovy and read it was tasty. But why, why, WHY ARE MUSCOVIES SO DARN CUTE!! Even though both birds are stand offish to me they love each other. They are so sweet together. I cant eat him now! Christmas Dinner is now just Chris.

I like to rehome Chris. I want to concentrate on the black and black and blk/white. Im just worried about Lacey. Would she get over it if I got rid of him? As of now she wants nothing to do with Flat Foot, my head drake. (trust me he has tried) I also have 9 week old brother and sister that are almost ready to join the flock. I thought maybe she will bond with them, like she did with Chris. Or is it best to just sell Chris and Lacey as a pair? Im fine with that too. Right now she is on eggs so Im thinking if Im just rehoming Chris, now would be the time.

Here his is sitting on the nest box with Lacey inside.
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He's being a good papa, id try and keep them together if she might not bond with the others. But with new ones, she might.

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