Ended Pictures Needed - Official Caption Contest Submissions Thread #1

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English White Orpington Chicks

Mottled Orpington Juveniles "Floyd & Flo"

English Lavender Orpington Rooster "Sir Jagger"

Gold lace Wyandotte with her chicks
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For AGES we've been wanting to start official and regular occurring caption contests on BYC and are finally putting this in motion. BUT, we need your help!!! We need you, our amazing members, to start submitting your favorite pictures to be potentially chosen for use in our Official BYC Caption Contests, and vote for your favorites! Here's what we need you to do:
  1. Find your favorite and best pictures of your chickens doing funny things
  2. The better and more unique the situation and the "look" or action your chickens have, the better!
  3. Reply to this thread with a copy of the image
  4. [COLOR=FF8C00]VOTE for your favorite pictures by clicking the image and using the thumbs up button[/COLOR] (clicking the thumbs up on the post doesn't work!)
We'll take the highest rated submissions and use them for our official BYC Caption Contests, which will each be in separate threads. While we prefer chicken pictures, we're pretty open to any BYC related pictures. We look forward to your submissions!!! :pop [COLOR=FF0000]IMPORTANT REMINDER: [/COLOR] We are [COLOR=FF0000]NOT[/COLOR] asking for you to make a caption for any pictures... we only want pictures in this thread. The actual caption making will be done later in separate threads!
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