Ended Pictures Needed - Official Caption Contest Submissions Thread #1

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Juvie is a crested Swedish Flower Hen--looks more like a pullet (based on what the other Ks and Ps in that hatch look like) but could be a cockerel.

Mom is a Cuckoo Marans who was always "alerting" when I clanged the feed bucket (that's the dinner bell on my acre).

The "possible Dad" (OK, probably not) is a local Roadrunner who eats the lizards in the front yard and drinks water out of the dogs' water dish.
Juvie is a crested Swedish Flower Hen--looks more like a pullet (based on what the other Ks and Ps in that hatch look like) but could be a cockerel.

Mom is a Cuckoo Marans who was always "alerting" when I clanged the feed bucket (that's the dinner bell on my acre).

The "possible Dad" (OK, probably not) is a local Roadrunner who eats the lizards in the front yard and drinks water out of the dogs' water dish.

LOL I recognized the roadrunner. We have them around here too.
Meet Pico, my 17month old Leghorn rooster. He loves showing off his furry waddles and bushy brows
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