Please help with chicken injury


Feb 6, 2023
I just checked on my chickens and saw one of my Ameraucana’s I think where her head is. Can someone please help me. I don’t know what to do. I am attaching the photos I just took.
What happened? Is it cut or scraped, and how long is it? Has the bleeding slowed? Do you have some chlorhexidene or a wound spray such as Vetericyn? Saline is good to use, and to make it, take a quart of water and 2 tsp of table salt, heat to a boiled for a few minutes, then cool down. Pressure while holding her with a soft clean rag can stop bleeding. Flour or corn starch and blood stop power sometimes are needed, but can make a mess in a wound. If she is in shock, separate her to a calm quiet spot in a basket or dog crate. Sips of sugar water or electrolytes are good to offer.
I have no idea what happened. I just came out and saw her. It isn’t bleeding at all now. I took her out and sprayed Vetericyn on her. She doesn’t really act any different that I notice. Thank you I’ll keep watching her. 😩
I would look for a deep cut or laceration. Check your coop and run for any sharp fencing or nails. A stray piece of chicken wire can rip their tender skin, and if they are running away from a chicken chasing them, it can happen. I hope that she gets along okay. The others will peck at the blood, but once it clears up and there is no cut, she could go back with the flock.
Thank you so much I cleaned it up and sprayed Vetericyn on it. It had already stopped bleeding. But I still can not find anything she may have hit or caught it on! So strange! I’m just thankful she seemed herself. Gosh I don’t do well with injuries. 😂😩

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