please let me know if i am boy or girl!

yalls chicks are soo beautiful

i bought ten chicks from tractor supply and was told what they were,, and now they are not what i bought....

my "rir" is a new hamp red,, but doesnt really even look full blood
my ameracaunas are EE and i guess called mutts
my "buff orpington" is i have NO clue what..... and i bought him to go with my hens....

oh well
i still love them
In TSC's defense (and they may just be clueless, as many feed store workers are concerning chickens in general), many breeds can be VERY difficult to tell apart as day-olds, and even up until they are fully feathered out.

There are many breeds that start out as fuzzy off-white/yellowish chicks...

I can't help you as far as WHAT that chick is - I'm assuming it's not a mix if their chicks came from a large hatchery, so eventually you'll get it figured out as they grow.

I took a chance on some cute chicks at TSC I was HOPING were EEs and now I'm pretty sure they are Dark Cornish, at 5 wks old... At least so far it seems that the 'pullet' bin was correctly labeled, as all 10 chicks are looking girly so far!
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