Possible Wyr neck in young adult-ish duck


Jul 22, 2023
We have a group of ducks we bought around the spring, its now summer and all of them are young adults except our two older male ducks that we've had a while.
The other morning we went to feed and one of our ducks (Whom we believe is male, we only bought 2 of each breed of duckling) has his neck tucked in and slightly to the side as if he's looking over his shoulder and was away from all the other ducks not eating. So, we picked him up and held a handfull of feed near his bill and he did eat, then we held him near the water and he did drink, but we decided to bring him inside in to our spare room to keep him in a safe place and to keep and eye on him. he can barely let out a soft quack and is walking as if he was kinda drunk and not as fast as normal. Is there anything we can do to help him?
Wry neck can be a symptom of a head or neck injury as well as a vitamin E deficiency. In chickens, I would recommend giving human vitamin E 400 IU softgel daily, along with some vitamin B complex1/2 tablet daily. A small amount of scrambled egg or sunflower seed for selenium. I will tag @ miss Lydia who knows more about ducks.

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