Quail with chickens?


12 Years
Jun 14, 2007
northwest Ohio
Keeping quail with chickens?I am hatching some quail and was wondering if i could just keep them in the coop with the chickens? What do you think? All i need to do is put in a little feeder and waterer. Maybe give them something to hide in. What do you think? These are white coturnix quail im talking.
I had a lone bobwhite male move in with my chickens, and he did get picked on a little. He free ranged with my bantam chickens, but was picked off withing two weeks by one of my many hawks. I really don't think keeping the little quail with chickens any length of time would be a good idea. Does anybody else out there have an opinion?
Your quail are going to need a seperate pen with a secure ROOF. Otherwise you can say bye bye quailys. If it is one thing they like to do it is FLY. And also the chickens would probably give the quail are hard time.
Good Luck with the quai!
yea, I've had a pigeon w/my chickens (seems similar enough to me for me to comment) and now s/he's been gone for 2 days b/c I was so used to her/him running around w/the chickens but evidentally her wings grew out long enough & it took off. It did get beat up a *little* by the chickens, but that was just pecking order, IMO. The only real concern is the flight issue, IMO.
Not a good idea. The chickens would beat the poor little thing up badly, if they didn't kill it.

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