Really advanced bumblefoot?

Morning T

Mar 15, 2023
Hi there,
I've been staying at a farm for about three weeks that has a small flock of ducks for eggs (khaki campbells, runners, and Welsh harlequins). As soon as I got here I noticed that one had a pretty large abscess or bumble or something on the top of her foot. She's not limping, but she does move slower than the other ducks. I've dealt with bumbles before, but she's not my duck, it's been a while, and I want to make sure I'm identifying it correctly. Do folks think this a bumble? And I'd love best practices for treating this. Thanks!
I’m seen so nasty bumble but never anything like what your showing hold on and hopefully someone else will reply. It just look strange more like a growth of some kind
Thank you for your response. Based on this assessment I'm talking to the folks who live here about taking this duck to the vet.

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