Reminder For Every One - WARNING! GRAPHIC PIC


7 Years
Feb 18, 2013
Please Keep your chicks extra safe away from rats, I kept the chicks in a wire cage and i forgot the bottom was wire and accessible by rats. Here is the mess the did. I slaughtered the babies after 4-5 days cox they were doing not well.

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So sorry about your chicks. Very good reminder with fall here and the rodents are moving around looking for winter homes. We tend to forget about rats and mice when we think of predators, but they are everywhere and they can get in the smallest places, and they can be deadly, especially to young chicks.
Sooo sad...
.:( nasty rats! Thank you for the reminder. Sorry for your loss. This is really a wake up call for me.i need to move the chicken house up off the ground more. Gosh I'm so sorry this happened.! How awful.

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