Richlands,NC,28574,Show& Swap Canceled ,Account of Sickness!!


11 Years
Feb 17, 2008
Richlands,NC 28574
Very sorry,but maybe soemone else can take it.William9792 is trying to do this for us.So support him and his wife Kathy.If you know of a good place to have it and it is ok with him.Contact him.Wish we could be there.And hopefully yall will have a good time.I feel like you will.Keep Us In Your Prayers.Especially Preston,,God Bless All of you. If you were coming here tell William9792,so he will know who all is coming.And please help him and Kathy,We do thank you so much,Sandra and Preston
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vortec, family of five. I can bring chips, and drinks. I will have a major interest in buying baby chicks so please, everybody, bring any you want to sell. I am looking for heavy, brown egg layer, winter setters. I am looking forward to it by the way!

Thanks so much Vortec,see william is bringing baby chicks,and they are just what you are,,,Got ya,,,,Thanks so much,,,,Sandra What is everey ones name,,,,Thanks so much.Other than yours,,lol Ha,ha

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