RIR Hen Broody?


In the Brooder
Sep 23, 2022
I have a Rhode Island Red hen and I brought her specifically as they are not known to go broody. The last couple of days she has stopped laying and has been sitting on the nest box without any egg. She has plucked out a bunch of feathers too and has just started puffing herself up whenever I approach her on the nest box. Are they any good mothers? Has this happened to anyone before with a RIR hen? She isn't even a year old. I thought originally she wasn't laying because a couple of days ago we had a dog come over and gave them a bit of a fright in their coop, but she laid 1 egg after that and then this behavior started occurring. I also have one other Light Sussex hen who currently has a brood of chicks and they were nearby them for a bit so maybe she's jealous (if that's even a thing). I probably will end up not using her as a clucky if she is, but might reconsider if they are known to be good mothers. Please let me know if you have had any of your RIR hens go clucky.
There is no way to tell If she is going to be a good broody and mother or not. The breed alone does not define if one is going to be a good mother hen. The only way to find out is to see if she will actually sit on eggs for the entire time and hatch them.
There is no way to tell If she is going to be a good broody and mother or not. The breed alone does not define if one is going to be a good mother hen. The only way to find out is to see if she will actually sit on eggs for the entire time and hatch them.
Okay thank you! I think I'm going to break her as I don't think I want to risk it going bad.
My first broody hen was a breed that was never suppose to go broody. I know a lot of people do not have good luck with broody hens, but I have never had one quit, if I did not give eggs too soon.

I of course would give her a couple of eggs, less than normal, because winter is coming, but I have had them successfully raise them in below zero weather.

Mrs K
My first broody hen was a breed that was never suppose to go broody. I know a lot of people do not have good luck with broody hens, but I have never had one quit, if I did not give eggs too soon.

I of course would give her a couple of eggs, less than normal, because winter is coming, but I have had them successfully raise them in below zero weather.

Mrs K
X2 all around. I had a Leghorn go broody, which they say doesn't happen much. And I would give a few eggs ;) I have right now a mama with 3 2 week old babies out in 30 deg f doing just fine. But do what is best for you.

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