rooster behavior question


Free Ranging
Jan 29, 2021
ok. I will start back at the beg. in 2021 I got chicks. Knew for sure 1 was a rooster at 4 weeks. it was a blue Cochin...... he was quiet, not dominant etc. (should have been a clue) found out later an EE was a roo..... He was the dominant roo. I ended up keeping the Cochin and re-homing the EE. then my Cochin started to crow, would call the girls for food and just act like a roo (with the girls he is so good with us).........

well last April I hatched out chicks and fell in love with a roo so kept him as well (I have 18 hens). Now the younger Roo is the one I see crowing the most (he didn't even start until he was 9-10 mo. I figured where he was the younger roo. (he is a splash cochin/EE mix). Well now HE is the one that calls the girls for food, calls them to hide if he hears something he is unsure of etc. Many of the girls still beat him up so he isn't top roo with them. But he seems to have taken the position from my other roo. The older roo will just eat the food/treats and not call the girls, he will even chase some away from his area.

Is it normal for a "Dominant" Roo to give his position up to another one? I have NEVER once seen them fight or anything. They have always just existed with each other so not like the younger one battled for the top position and won. It just seems the older one just went back to being the one that "hides" he is a roo while the younger one took over. I was not expecting that to happen at all. they have each been standing near the other one when they mate with one of the hens and they just walk away or stand there and do nothing so they have no issues getting along or letting the other one breed. so not complaining at all just curious if this is common.
Wow! That is pretty awesome that both your roos get along so well!!!

I have no idea if this is common or not, but if I had two roosters that got along so well, I'd be thrilled!!!
It's a behavior that I have only witnessed when the dominant rooster has gotten a 'beat down' from the younger rooster. It will be interesting to see if the continue to coexist peacefully.
Wow! That is pretty awesome that both your roos get along so well!!!

I have no idea if this is common or not, but if I had two roosters that got along so well, I'd be thrilled!!!
oh I am thrilled. I was worried that there would be issues and I would have to give up my younger boy!
It's a behavior that I have only witnessed when the dominant rooster has gotten a 'beat down' from the younger rooster. It will be interesting to see if the continue to coexist peacefully.
there have been zero injuries on either. I had a camera out there (moved it in when some of my girls started laying under poop boards where I couldn't see them) and never once have seen an issue between them. I haven't even seen them go at each other with their hackle feathers up. I wasn't sure if it was where my older one started as the non dominant one that he just fell back into that even though it had been almost a year since I had re-homed the other one????

I really hope they continue to coexist. I figured once the younger one started coming into maturity there would be some issues. a lot of times they even roost next to each other at night.

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