Sad day today.


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 10, 2013
bayford virginia
I have a small flock of chickens that free range by day locked up at night. I have lost my favorite little birds. I had a rooster named Saul who would fly up and perch on my shoulder, always a character. Fearless too, bout the size of a dove....hawk got him and my little Brahma hen.... I'm so ******. Irate really he would fly up and jump in feed pail while I walked around just a sweet loveable animated bird.....dam hawks
That's so sad. Very sorry you lost your birds. Coincidentally my bantams almost got eaten last week by a red tailed hawk. They got away since My daughter heard them freakin out and I was able to go out and scare it away. Then yesterday I went out and saw it looking from a mulberry tree into their chicken run. Luckily their run has a roof. Kinda stinks I can't let them free range as much.
Sorry about the loss of your little bantams, darn hawks are a big problem with the little guys.

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