Safeguard dosage for Ducks


In the Brooder
Aug 4, 2022
I have a runner mix who just doesn’t put on weight the way I’ve read she should. I can feel her keel when I rub my hand along her chest, which I’ve read shouldn’t be the case, and since she has full access to feed, and she hasn’t been given wormer other than DE, I would like to go ahead and worm my flock using Safeguard to take worms out of the equation. The issue is, she lives in a flock with chickens, and I while I can find info stating that 3cc per gallon works for chicken drinking water, I can’t find a dosage for ducks other than how much to give them orally based on weight. I don’t want to assume and end up hurting her or my drake, does anyone know how much safeguard should go into her drinking water, or if I should just separate the ducks and worm them separately?
So I was going to get her for a weight, and I realized an important factor: she appears to have gone very broody under my nose. Feathers strewn around her, sitting on any egg she can find. Is it possible her broodiness has caused her thin frame? This doesn’t eliminate my desire to try and worm her and break her broodiness, but I’ve only ever dealt with broody ducks once and I’m not sure what to expect here.

Thank you so much for your continued help here!

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