Scandinavians, please help me find this recipe!!!


12 Years
Feb 22, 2007
Belleville, WI
I was an exchange student in Sweden my senior year in highschool. I wasn't much into cooking at that time, but now I am. I had so much good food with my host family and now I'm trying to track down some of the recipes that I loved so much while I was there. One of them was a soft, flat, potato bread. It wasn't quite like what lefse appears to be. Not quite that thin. It was soft and pliable and when we made it we had some special tool that poked little holes across all the surface. It turned out brown and delicious. I have tried looking online but can't find quite what I think I'm looking for. Does this bread sound familiar to anyone?

Second, my host mother also made these delicious pancakes. They were actually more like crepes, which I can find any number of recipes for, but she also made a baked, thicker pan-style version. I think it was a similar recipe, just baked, giving it a delicious golden crust. She then served it with jam, sugar and real whipped cream. My mouth is watering just remembering. I would love to make this some day if anyone can help.
i make a pancake that grows as it bakes.. getting puffy and brown. then it settles down some when it comes out of the oven. could this be it?
1 cup flour
1 cup milk
1 tsp salt
4 eggs.. beat together and bake in a well buttered skillet about 10"... 425 for about 20 min. we like maple syrup, fruit, whipped cream. any way you want it
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There are two kinds of Lefse. One is the thin potato lefse and one is a thicker lefse like a "pita bread." My grandma (or Bestamore if we go Norweigan lol) makes the thicker one with a butter cinnimon suger spread on it. But I don't have the recipes sorry. If that's what you're looking for than PM me and I can get it from her.
I know your post for "Kavelgris" or Swedish potato bread is over a month old but I was just going to let you know that my wife is from Sweden and can probably help you with Swedish recipes in the future. I wish I had see your post before Christmas. My wife makes a huge traditional Swedish Christmas Dinner every other year.
We called my grandma "Besta" for short....I miss her...crazy Norwegian she was!

She would also make the thick Lefse with the spread on it
I adore lefse and just inherited my grandmother's lefse pan and rolling pin. Unfortunately it wasn't something she really made anymore so although I had requested lefse lessons they didn't happen before we lost her. Have a recipe I found, but haven't been brave enough to try it yet.
I am curious about this thicker lefse you all are posting about, can someone please share their recipe?

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