Pato Pointe Farm

Mar 10, 2021
Lake Mitchell Rockford, Alabama
Hello BYC Friends!
I am Shannon with Pato Point Farm LLC. :frow I recently ordered Serama chicken hatching eggs from EBay. I know this is always a gamble with odds against successful hatchings, but living in a rural area, it's not easy finding what you want.

SO! Today is Day 22. On day 20, 6/22 shipped eggs hatched. 11 were scramble in shipping, 1 egg not fertile, 1 badly saddled egg, others quitters. All eggs had "jiggly" air cells upon arrival and they were left in shipping extra two days with a holiday.

I am wondering is two of the hatchlings might be Roos. I have read [Im not sold on what I've read being true] that Roos develop combs before hens and the Roo comb has a more vibrant red than the hens.

I noticed at hatching that two of the chicks have tiny, tiny combs already. The other 4 do not. Could this be sign of possible Roos??

*First photo shows the tiny comb. Two have this.

Thank you!


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That black one has a comb the size of Montana at hatch! I am an expert on this and I can pretty much tell with 60% that they are males at hatch.
Part of that statement is true, mostly wrong. NO males do not develop combs sooner than females, they grow at a faster rate.
The first one I'm almost positive its a male but the other looks like it's probably a female. If you have anymore questions just tag me like this - @GirlsHuntToo!
Have a great day and enjoy your chickens!
That black one has a comb the size of Montana at hatch! I am an expert on this and I can pretty much tell with 60% that they are males at hatch.
Part of that statement is true, mostly wrong. NO males do not develop combs sooner than females, they grow at a faster rate.
The first one I'm almost positive its a male but the other looks like it's probably a female. If you have anymore questions just tag me like this - @GirlsHuntToo!
Have a great day and enjoy your chickens!
Thank you! I didnt notice until I saw the photo unclose [old eyes]. The detail in the comb is what got my attention. Some of the other have no visible comb, some have just a hint, and then these 2 have tiny combs with detail.

Are you familiar with the Serama?
Thank you! I didnt notice until I saw the photo unclose [old eyes]. The detail in the comb is what got my attention. Some of the other have no visible comb, some have just a hint, and then these 2 have tiny combs with detail.

Are you familiar with the Serama?
No I don't keep them but know a quite bit about them from reading and studying.

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