Several power outage during lockdown


Jan 2, 2022
I have 4 live chicken eggs in the lockdown from 7 eggs. I candled them before lockdown and I saw them moving inside the egg. I have experienced several power outages during the course of the incubation. Since day 18, a couple of power outages happened again, my backup 12V battery got drained after long hours of power outage. Before lockdown, my eggs air cell pocket were like that of 14 days, then I read a thread here about dry incubation during lockdown just to increase the size of the air pocket, increasing humidity only when there is a sign of pipping. I'm in a one-bedroom apartment and my incubator is placed near my "kitchen" area, and I don't have a hygrometer at that. I'm on the 21st of incubating eggs and I haven't seen any pipping. Do you think the eggs still have a chance to hatch? I never opened the incubator during lockdown, will there be a chance of these eggs hatching even on later date like on the 22nd or 23rd of incubation? Another thing, should I increase the humidity now by adding water on the water hole or should I wait for the first pip? This is my first ever incubating eggs.
How long were power outages? It may have just been long enough to delay hatching but may have caused problems. I would keep incubating for a few more days. Can you candle eggs to see if there is any movement? And yes, it is ok to wait till first pip to increase humidity if air cells look small.
The power outage lasted for 10 hours, but my eggs started pipping now. But I noticed only 2 chicks/eggs are making noise. I raised the humidity, and I candled the eggs, I see movements inside. Is it normal that the other eggs are not making noise? When can I help the chicks if they're struggling to come out on its own?
When can I help the chicks if they're struggling to come out on its own?
I would only help if egg has been externally pipped for at least 24 hrs. Even then I look at actions of chick if struggling peeping a lot after 24 hrs. I would help. If it is still making chewing motions, I wait. There is a lot of very good info on BYC on assisting hatching I would look them up if I were you.

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