Sexing help - 11 weeks old - Crossbreds


In the Brooder
Feb 10, 2020
So 11 weeks ago I got 31 straight-run chicks. MOST of them are obvious roos (just my luck), plus three that I'm confident are pullets. There are 11, though, that I just don't know! For most of them, their tails seem to say roo but their faces seem to say pullet. Help a first-timer out? 😊

The parents of these babies are Marans (FBC, wheaten, birchen), Ameraucana, Easter Egger, Crested Cream Legbar, Olive Egger, California White, Wyandotte and Silkie (though I avoided the Silkie crosses as they aren't my thing) if you also want to help me figure out what crosses these guys/gals might be. Something to take note of is that the only feather-footed birds the lady had at the time were her Marans (and her Silkies, but again I didn't get any of them).

I tried to get photos of their tails and their combs, but I must apologize for the state of the pictures. I had to use the wide angle setting on my phone because they see it and want to come take super close selfies, especially tag #4! 😂

#1 is staying either way and is my husband's pet so it doesn't matter if this one starts screaming in the morning or pooping breakfast. 😉
I do know that this one came from a FBC Marans egg, and the father is most likely the "main man", an Ameraucana. Riker is a bit runty because of a traumatic hatch, is several fries short of a happy meal (possible brain damage from massive blood loss at hatch?), and has one wonky leg and a crooked toe on the other. This baby is ~special~ in many ways. ♥
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#4 is constantly underfoot, and an absolute nightmare to photograph. I have so many blurry photobombs from this booty-pecking ankle-biter.
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#5 and #9 below are both identical to a pair of reds that have already outed themselves as obvious cockerels, except for their combs and personalities. I suspect these two are cockerels as well, just not as well developed yet because they're so low-ranking in a big flock consisting mostly of bigger, badder boys?
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#13 is definitely a Legbar x, daddy is possibly the Ameraucana "main man"
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#21 - Is this one blue barred instead of black like the others? Or is their barring just super blurry?
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#30 I think this one might be Marans x Wyandotte because of the feathered feet plus the color and comb?
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