Skunks and Hawks!


6 Years
Jun 3, 2013
Last Wed. we woke up to the horrible burning nose smell of a skunk. Our dogs reeked of it too. I found a dead skunk in the yard. Burned it. Thurs. night we woke up to THAT smell!!! 2 more dead skunks in the yard. Thank goodness for the dogs or they may have found a way into the coop.
Two days this week I have walked out to see a hawk sitting on the corner of the coop stalking the chickens. Luckily it is made of 1/4 inch hardware cloth and a metal roof so the hawk can't get in.
Last month our dog killed an armadillo.
My chickens can't free range because not only the predators will eat them but so will the dogs. Sigh! But I would rather have them safe and sound than risk a skunk, dog or hawk attack. Just wish they could get out and run free.
Sounds like your dogs are doing a good job. This seems to be a really bad year for skunks.
We had a bad time in the Spring with lots of young skunks scooting around our yard in broad daylight. i hated to do it but called the local Federal Trapper to set traps and euthanize. We got six, then our trapper wanted me to repair the entire back fence before he came back out again. That's at least 300 feet of wire fencing covered in ivy, trees, and bushes that i share with four neighbors, so, no can do. But at least he caught the babies who were causing havoc.

i would love to free range my chickens, but they are all bantams except for one, and it just isn't safe. So i try to compensate by giving them extra treats like lettuce, mealworms, and veggies. It isn't perfect, but at least i haven't lost any of them to predators.
Tell your dogs good job on the skunks. This is really a bad year for skunks here in Ohio, think there are more around this year than there have been in the last ten. Opossums too for some reason. Bantams are so vulnerable to predators, you really don't have much choice except keep them cooped up if you have a lot of wildlife around.
Yep! I give mine extras too and they have more than enough room in their run. The hawks are numerous here too, no way are they getting out to roam around.
We have another skunk, but the dogs haven't caught it yet.
Personally, I think it just a tidbit cruel to not let them out sometime. I let mine out everyday if not raining late in the evening but I sit there and watch them. They seem much happier when I let them out. The key is to watch them when they're out.
Personally, I think it just a tidbit cruel to not let them out sometime. I let mine out everyday if not raining late in the evening but I sit there and watch them. They seem much happier when I let them out. The key is to watch them when they're out.
Predators can strike even if you're 'watching'...what is cruel is to put a chicken in a risky situation.
They are plenty 'happy' if they have a decent sized run.
Free ranging is romantic, and can be a great thing, but often it's not very pragmatic in certain situations.
I don't let mine free-range because there are far too many hawks flying around, just waiting for the opportunity. We have a very large run for only 4 hens, and they are very happy. I give them grass clippings too. Personally, I would rather have them in an enclosed area, than out to be attacked. My dogs have also killed 3 more skunks since I last posted.

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