SLW x Araucana 11 weeks - pullet or cockerel?


Jul 12, 2023
My parents (who don't have a rooster) are relatively new to chickens, had a broody hen they couldn't break, and decided to let her hatch some fertilized eggs given by a friend. The eggs were from Silver Laced Wyandottes, rooster is an Araucana. Of the three that hatched, two had a run in with a red hawk, so this pretty chick is what's left, and we don't have siblings to compare with. It's 11 weeks old, and we'd assumed it's a pullet based on the lack of comb, but the tail is starting to look a little roo-ish. They don't have any experience with either SLWs or Araucanas, though they've been told that the comb might not be the best way to sex at this age.

What do you think?





(the Barred Rock in the background is about 17 weeks)
Pullet! And based on the leg coloring I'd guess the rooster was an Easter Egger- green legs help us guess.

Araucanas are a really rare breed- but they were the basis for Ameracaunas which are also purebreed that lay blue eggs.

You'll see hatcheries selling Americanas/Ameracanas which are really just Easter Eggers- which typically lay blue/green eggs.

Regardless, you've got a pretty pullet that's likely to lay green eggs pretty soon for you!
Pullet! And based on the leg coloring I'd guess the rooster was an Easter Egger- green legs help us guess.

Araucanas are a really rare breed- but they were the basis for Ameracaunas which are also purebreed that lay blue eggs.

You'll see hatcheries selling Americanas/Ameracanas which are really just Easter Eggers- which typically lay blue/green eggs.

Regardless, you've got a pretty pullet that's likely to lay green eggs pretty soon for you!
Thank you so much! I asked my parents again if they were sure their friend's rooster was an Araucana, and they said, "Oh, maybe it's an Ameraucana", which of course probably actually means Americana/Easter Egger. 😂
But in any case, green eggs would be fun! All the others are Barred Rocks and Black Stars, so lots of brown.

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