Some of my chickens(pics heavy)

Oh I am so envious. My husband and I have decided to build a chicken spring. It's so difficult to wait but I'm enjoying the forum and all the information that can be found here.

Thank you for the beautiful picture of your Buff Orpington rooster. My mother-in-law had orpington's when my husband was little and, right now, it's our breed of choice. Of course, I'll change my mind
10 times before they're actually ordered, I'm sure.
Why are you selling all your laying hens? Hey, I am in the area, I really want my hens to LAY!

i sell my eggs..and they stopped laying in this heat for the summer..i dont need to feed all of them through summer for no eggs..and by the time fall comes around my teenagers will be laying
That may be why mine haven't started laying. Everyone says they are old enough, but your right, it is HOT. They are about 20 to 24 weeks old. I guess I will just continue to wait. I hate buying eggs from the store.

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