Sour crop help needed, possibly impacted

Karen Jean

May 5, 2020
Nugget is a 3 year old Novagen and is the last of my first batch of hens. As a first time owner I started with only three so I wouldnt be overwhelmed with my new experience. I have read this site since day one and truly appreciate all of the knowledge here and I continue to learn things here every time I visit. A vet isn't an option I can use so I am hoping to get some guidance here for my girl because I am a very indecisive person and I can't really figure out which course of action to choose. So, here is some backstory information. I will try to keep it brief, but want to make sure I include any pertinent info.

I believe she has reproductive issues. For the last year her eggs have been soft shelled, but she was otherwise healthy. Egg production slowed way down over winter and then in March she laid a lash egg, which I believe was her last egg laid. She had been the top boss in the yard up until last week. I began noticing her behavior change a month ago, Easter Sunday to be exact, and I started watching her more closely at that point. She started to go to bed earlier and wasnt the first out the door in the morning. Still eating and pooping fine at this point. Then a couple of weeks later I noticed she started to be more selective about what she was eating and the poop started to change to clear with dark chunks. Last week she started not going to the top roost and then one night she slept on the floor. It was at that point I brought her in. Her crop is full, it feels like its probably full of grass or something. Its not hard. She is still drinking but refuses most things i offer. I have been massaging her crop for 3 days, but honestly the first day doesnt really count because I was doing it all wrong. Currently her poop is clear in color and depending on the treatment I have given her previously there may be granuals, or sediment in it that looks like canned spinach. Sometimes it brown, sometimes dark green. She sleeps alot but still shows interest in things and will walk around the house if I let her.

Fluconazol started 2 days ago. Its a powder capsule and I am trying to carefully give her 10mg a day diluted in a dropper.
Currently I massage the crop every couple of daylight hours. Its still squishy when she drinks.
I have given her olive oil 2x a day for 2 days. I had to wait for husband to help or i would have done it more.
Yesterday she was drinking Sav a chic electrolyte water and plain water.
Last nite I gave her 1 oz of Nutri Drench to be safe she is getting nutrients.
She is still "pooping" and will sort of peck at the mashed pellets but she doesnt eat much if if at all.

I am scared to vomit her, but I will do it if I need to.

I wanted to put the pertinent facts first for attention

I have read and watched SO much since she started the soft shelled eggs and I have tried quite a bit already but obviously with little result.
I am pretty overwhelmed with information and have tried to figure this out the best I can. We all know that it is a HUGE guessing game and a life is in the balance. That weighs heavy on me and I don't take it lightly. I have bought a bunch of stuff and then second guessed it because I did more reading that dissuaded me to try it.
Heres what I have gotten so far.
I had given her apple cider vinegar last week in her water but switched to sav a chick electrolytes with reg water because I started giving her the monistate creme. That wasnt easy to admisiter and then i found that i had fluconazol on hand so i switched to that. I had read it was better but the dosage seems trickier.
I bought a package of Hydro-Hen 3 in 1. She didn't really care for it so I went pack to the save a chick solution. I have bought the colace (docusate sodium) but not used it. I have also mixed up the concoction of cinnamon, lemon juice, ginger and cayenne but haven't used it. I am willing to try whatever I just dont know which way to go at this point. I am embarrassed by how long it even took me to find the crop. I was looking for a hard lump and I guess I found her spine. My level of comprehension isn't the greatest I guess. It took me two days to figure out how to calmly administer the dropper or syringe. Thankfully she is hanging on through this learning experience. After I realized her spine wasnt the blockage I thought maybe it wasnt actually blocked, just sour. But i can still feel stuff in there and she hasn't been outside eating in over a week. I have bought plain greek yogurt but she will not eat it. She will not eat scrambled eggs either. Both of which used to be things she ate.

I have probably left out things but if i keep trying to think of it at i will be here forever.
thanks in advance for any help.

Edited to add pics and to add that she does indeed stink.
First pic is her most recent poop it has a little bit of white in it. second pic is of her crop currently. Not huge but not empty. Third is a close up of her comb which is a little dull. Last pic is her poop last night... the spinach lookin stuff.


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