Spreadsheet/chart for duck feed?


Previously AstroDuck
Aug 28, 2020
I know that there are spreadsheets for chicken feed, but has anyone made a spreadsheet for duck feed specifically? If not I was thinking about making one that is super simple for new duck owners. Basically it would have a list of duck feeds or duck compatible feeds for people without access to duck specific feeds. It would only have their protein content, calcium content, niacin content and form it comes in (i.e crumbles, pellets, grains). I could also add whether it is organic or non gmo if everyone thinks that might be helpful too. That way it is super quick and easy to add to those posts asking what feeds to feed a duck.
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Hello! Can I get that file please? I’m struggling with duck feed options and conflicting info. Thanks!
Hello! Can I get that file please? I’m struggling with duck feed options and conflicting info. Thanks
Hello! Can I get that file please? I’m struggling with duck feed options and conflicting info. Than
yes I'll send it but it has to be on email. This web site won't let me attach the file. Also let me know which form to send it. I have an excel file or mac's numbers. you can PM your email address to me

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