successful transition with adoption, good news and happy ending

No longer have any pure bred stock adults here. Black sex link, New Hampshires, barred rock, buff rock, partridge rock, araucana, australorp --- any of that might be in there, since I have bred my own for years. I had buff orpingtons, silver laced wyandottes, california whites, and Leghorns, at one time, too, but all of those lines died out years ago.

On the 21st of June I got 11 young chickens from Rural King:
4 barred rock pullets, my favorites
2 light yellow colored pullets, I hoped were buff orpingtons for broody hens
2 strippedy pullets, I hoped were silver laced Wyandottes for winter layers
3 of the largest black tough buggers in the straight run tray I hoped were barred rock cockerelles
(hoping to get a brood next year) They were not day-olds, but probably month-olds, with considerable hard feathering and not much fluff left.

I have never gone in for the giants or brahamas. I hear that they are very calm. Kind of like the Newfoundlands of the chicken world, pretty confident cuz they are so big, and easy going.

I cannot wait to see how my ladies mature. The originals are a bit sassy. Sounds like you have a coopful. One day I'd like to have a go at hatching my own but for now I will just settle on buying babies.

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