Temperature to hot?


16 Years
Apr 19, 2007
I have 23 silkie eggs in a still air incubator they have been in the incubator for 4 days. I came home and the temperature was up to 104. The room they were in had gotten really hot because they were working on my furnance. Did I cook the eggs?
Maybe...but I wouldn't give up hope on them yet. Many people have had this happen and it really depends on how long they were at that high temp. I would recommend candling in 4-5 days to see how they look inside. If there are no veins or blood rings, they're cooked. If you still see good vein networks or moving chick, you're ok. Good luck.

With a still air.....I heard that 102 is a good temp...so 104, for a short time should be ok...like hinkjc said......give them a few days, and candle them. Good luck, hope all is well with them all! Let us know.

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