Temporary paralysis while roosting. Seems to come an go? Any ideas?

Mar 26, 2020
Frederick, MD
Hi all,
I have a 7 month old Crested Cream Legbar named Sparrow. She laid an egg on the tray under the roost that I discovered in the morning of 9/24. Today, I went back to my coop cam to see if I could figure out why she laid the egg there (she's only been laying a few weeks but has mostly laid in the nest boxes). Anyway, she seemed fine all night, and around 3 am popped out an egg somewhat uneventfully. But what's weird is that starting around 4 am, she appears to become very off balance. I can see her left foot, but not her right, and it seems as though the right leg may be hurt or stuck on something. This went on for a while. She'd go back to sleep, start to tip over, then thrash around as though she couldn't remain on the roost. By around 5 am she looks as though she can't use either leg, and seems to be laying on her belly on the roost, using her wings to try and hang on. Eventually, she flies off the perch and lands on the floor of the coop and is motionless for almost an hour. Then she gets up and walks outside like nothing is wrong. That was 2 nights ago. I never noticed anything off about her yesterday or today. She laid another egg in the nest box this morning. She started laying maybe 3 weeks ago, and lays healthy eggs every 2-3 days. Any idea what might have happened? I'm going back through old camera footage to see if this has occured before during the night.

They roost on the flat side of a painted 2x4 that has been sanded and has rounded edges. I've attached some of the videos, as well as a video I took of her shortly after seeing this footage.

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