This is blue right?

May 11, 2023
First two pics I took just now. He hatched 10/26 I think so he’s about 2 weeks old.

I assume he’s blue and he’s going to fully turn the dark blue his wing feathers are coming in as right? The contrast is just so extreme it’s throwing me off but maybe that’s normal.

Moms a splash silkie and I think the dads a chocolate sexlink silkie but I also have a showgirl rooster who I can’t tell if is paint or splash I feel like he looks like both mixed together sometimes 😅


This is the rooster I mentioned if anyone can tell if he’s paint or splash also. The last pic he’s standing next to my splash hen.
He looks rough in these because he’s a little ugly but also was getting over fowl pox and a possum bite (he’s healed from both since then 🙏)
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I would let it feather out more to get a better idea of its adult coloring, but if the Showgirl is the father, then he could produce blue chicks with a splash hen whether he is paint or splash. If the chocolate is the father, then I believe you would get mauve chicks, but so far this one looks more blue to me.

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